Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finished reading "LEADERSHIP WISDOM from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

I just finished reading "LEADERSHIP WISDOM from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". This is the second book by Robin Sharma, which I have picked up to read after “THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI”.

The foremost thing I like about Robin Sharma’s books is that when one reads the chapters of the book, it is like being on a personal journey. The text is so engaging that you can relate yourself to every situation/problem explained and the solution to realize it. The wisdom exposed in the book is absorbable instantly.

In “LEADERSHIP WISDOM”, Robin Sharma takes you on yet another journey to elicit leadership wisdom via “THE 8 RITUALS OF VISIONARY LEADERS”

  1. Link Paycheck to Purpose (The Ritual of a Compelling Future Focus)
  2. Manage by Mind, Lead by Heart (The Ritual of Human Relations)
  3. Reward Routinely, Recognize Relentlessly (The Ritual of Team Unity)
  4. Surrender to Change (The Ritual of Adaptability and Change Management)
  5. Focus on the Worthy (The Ritual of Personal Effectiveness)
  6. Leader Lead Thyself (The Ritual of Self Leadership)
  7. See What All See, Think What None Think (The Ritual of Creativity and Innovation)
  8. Link Leadership to Legacy (The Ritual of Contribution and Significance)

I personally enjoyed the journey of reading this book and I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is willing to be wise and wishes to evolve as a leader and leave behind a legacy. As Robin Sharma says, you don’t need a title to lead – “Lead without Title”.

Visit for more on Robin Sharma’s offerings.


1 comment:

J said...

I just read the Ferrari book. Looking forward to read this one.